Kompaktseminar Numerik 2018

Kaub am Rhein

September 12-14, 2018

Scientific program:
There will be talks by postdocs, doctoral students and master's students on their results from the respective TRR projects or TRR related themes. Each talk will be 30 minutes plus 10 minutes for discussions.
All speakers are kindly requested to endow their talks with sufficient introductory material.
The workshop will start Wednesday morning and end on Friday afternoon.

Martin Hanke-Bourgeois, Benjamin Müller, University of Mainz

Supported by:

JGU Mainz    logo_w2w




Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz
SFB/TRR 165: Waves to Weather


Jugendgästehaus Kaub
Zollstraße 46
56349 Kaub
Telefon: 06774 / 9181890

Conference fee:
There is no conference fee.

List of Participants

More information:
You don't have to bring bed linen. Towels and soap are not provided. Please do not forget sturdy shoes and a weather-proof coat, plus anything you may want to use in the free time.

Travel Information:

Bahnhof/Haltestelle Zeit Gleis Produkte Weitere Informationen
Mainz Hbf ab 09:13 3a RB 75 (28708) Regionalbahn Richtung: Wiesbaden Hbf
Wiesbaden Hbf an 09:25 6
Umsteigezeit 8 Min.
Wiesbaden Hbf ab 09:33 1 VIA RB10 (25008) VIAS GmbH Richtung: Neuwied
Kaub an 10:22 1