Workshop Inverse Problems and Beyond



Inverse Problems and Beyond


on the occasion of Martin Hanke-Bourgeois' 60th birthday



  Hermann-Staudinger-Hörsaal, MPI-P Mainz, Ackermannweg 10



Invited Speakers

Roland Griesmaier (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology) Bastian von Harrach (Goethe University Frankfurt)
Marlis Hochbruck (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology) Otmar Scherzer (University of Vienna)
Martin Simon (Frankfurt University of Appl. Sciences)


12:00:   Optional lunch in the mensa

13:30:   Opening

13:40:   First session of talks (Scherzer, Hochbruck, Griesmaier)

15:40:   Coffee break

16:30:   Second session of talks (Simon, von Harrach)

18:00:   Discussion with buffet



Bastian von Harrach - Mária Lukácová


Funded by

SFB TRR 146 Multiscale Simulation Methods for Soft Matter Systems