

Dr. Aaron Brunk

Multiphase viscoelastic flow
project supported by the SFB Multiscale Simulation Methods for Soft Matter Systems, financed by the DFG
cooperation with P. Strasser, B. Dünweg (MPI Polymer Research)

Dr. Philipp Öffner

Numerical analysis of discontinous Galerkin and residual disctibution methods for hyperbolic conservation laws
Project supported by the Gutenberg Research College

Dr. Zhuyan Tang

Active Flux Methods for Hyperbolic Systems using the Method of Bicharacteristics
Project supported by DFG within SPP 2410 Hyperbolic Balance Laws: Complexity, Scales and Randomness (cooperation with C. Helzel, Uni Düsseldorf)

Dr. Ferdinand Thein

Project supported by DFG: „Ein "sharp interface" Grenzwert mittels verschwindender Volumenfraktion für Zweiphasenströmungen im Nichtgleichgewicht modelliert durch hyperbolische Bilanzgleichungen“

Dr. Changsheng Yu

Random Compressible Euler equations: Numerics and its Analysis
Project suppoert by DFG within SPP 2410 Hyperbolic Balance Laws: Complexity, Scales and Randomness (cooperation with M. Herty, RWTH Aachen)


PhD Thesis

Andreas Schömer

Analysis of multiphase compressible flows
project realized in cooperation with SFB Multiscale Simulation Methods for Soft Matter Systems

Simon Schneider

Statistical convergence, machine learning and uncertainty quantification
project supported by the Mainz Institute of Multiscale Modelling (M3odel)
cooperation with  P. Spichtinger and M. Wand

M.Sc. Dennis Schumann


Master / Bachelor Thesis

Robert Sauerborn
Fehlerabschätzung bei der Approximation von Lösungen der barotropen Euler-Gleichungen mit dem Lax-Friedrichs-Verfahren, 2024

Pierre Falk
IMEX Runge-Kutta Verfahren für steife Differentialgleichungen
Bachelorarbeit, 2023



Prof. RNDr. Eduard Feireisl, DrSc. (Academy of Sciences Praha, Czech Rep.)

visiting Professor of TRR 146 and Institute of Mathematics, March, June 2019, October 2020, October 2021, February 2022, March, Oct. 2023,

Prof. Agnieszka Swierczewska-Gwiazda (University of Warsaw, Poland)

visiting Professor of TRR 146, November 2015, February 2016

Prof. Piotr Gwiazda (Polish Academy of Sciences)

visiting DAAD Professor,  October-November 2015

Prof. Alina Chertock (North Carolina State University, USA)

visiting Professor of the Institute of Mathematics, May 12.-17., June 25.-July 17., 2014, Nov. 2021, 22, May 2023, Nov. 2023, Mercator Professor within SPP 2410

Prof. Jiequan Li (Beijing Normal University, China)

Humboldt Guestprofessor, Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, June 04.-September 03, 2014

Prof. Alex Kurganov (Tulane University, USA)

Mercator Guestprofessor at the University of Mainz, DFG (May-July, 2011), May 2023, Nov. 2023,

Arun K.R. (Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India),
Prof. S.V. Raghurama Rao (Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India)

Theory and Numerics of Multidimensional Hyperbolic Conservation Laws and Balance Laws Based on Bicharacteristics
Project supported by the DAAD (2006-2008)

Former PhD Thesis /Post-doc fellows

Dr. Stephan Gerster

Development of CWENO schemes for hyperbolic stochastic Galerkin formulations
Project supported by DAAD in collaboration with Matteo Semplice (Insubria, Italy)

Dr. Yuhuan Yuan (Nanjiing University)

Convergence analysis of the Generalized Riemann Problem finite volume methods for hyperbolic conservation laws
Project supported by the China Scholarship Council (CSC) and  DAAD

Dr. Andrea Thomann (INRIA, Strasbourg)

Multiscale methods for all Mach number multiphase flows, cooperation with G. Puppo (Rome)
Project supported by the Gutenberg Research College

Dr. Paul Strasser

Spinodal decomposition of polymer-solvent systems
project supported by the SFB Multiscale Simulation Methods for Soft Matter Systems, financed by the DFG
cooperation with B. Dünweg (MPI Polymer Research)

Dr. Leonid Yelash

Adaptive hybrid multiscale methods for soft matter fluids
Project within SFB Multiscale Simulation Methods for Soft Matter Systems, supported by DFG, cooperation with P. Virnau (physics)

Adaptive large time step finite volume methods for geophysical flows
Project within the Center for Computation Sciences in Mainz, cooperation with V. Wirth (meteorology)

Adaptive semi-implicit FVEG methods for multidimensional systems of hyperbolic balance laws
Project supported by the DFG , cooperation with S. Noelle, RWTH Aachen

Dr. Bettina Wiebe  (Rocher, Bassel)

Pattern formation in cloud dynamics
project supported by the SFB Waves to Weather, financed by the DFG
cooperation with P. Spichtinger (Meteorology)

Dr. Ankit Ruhi

Adaptive hybrid multiscale methods for complex fluids, Fokker-Planck equations (2018-2019)
supported by the DFG, SFB Multiscale Simulation Methods for Soft Matter Systems

Dr. Niklas Kolbe  (RWTH Aachen, AG Michael Herty)

Numerical modelling of tumor growth by means of taxis-diffusion-reaction equations
Project supported by the Max-Planck Graduate College, Mainz (2013-2017)
Thesis: A tumor invasion model for heterogeneous cancer cell populations: mathematical analysis and numerical methods (2017)
cooperation with N. Hellmann (Biophysics)

Prof. Dr.  habil Anna Hundertmark-Zauskova  (University, Landau)

Mathematical modelling and numerical simulation of some non-Newtonian fluids in time- dependent   domains
Project supported by the DFG
Adaptive semi-implicit FVEG methods for multidimensional systems of hyperbolic balance laws
Project supported by the DFG , cooperation with S. Noelle, RWTH Aachen

Dr. Hana Mizerova  (University Bratislava, Slovakia)

Numerical analysis of complex flows (2012-2017)
Thesis: Analysis and numerical solution of the Peterlin viscoelastic, (2015)
supported by the DFG Graduate School Mathematical Fluid Dynamics,  cooperation with TU Darmstadt

Dr. Nikos Sfakianakis  (University Heildelberg)

Humboldt-fellow (2012-2014)

Hyperbolic conservation laws and adaptive mesh reconstruction, Mathematical Cell Biology

Numerical Study of Chemotaxis and Chemokinekinesis (2014-2016)
Project within the Center for Computation Sciences in Mainz, cooperation with N.Hellmann (biophysics)

Dr. Nehzat Emamy (University Stuttgart)

Adaptive hybrid multiscale methods for soft matter fluids (2016-2017), cooperation with L. Yelash

Dr. Georgij Bispen (ZF TRW Automotive Holdings Corp., Koblenz)

Large time step  FVEG methods for shallow water flows

Thesis: IMEX Finite Volume Methods for the Shallow Water Equations, (2015)
Project supported by the DFG, cooperation with S. Noelle, RWTH Aachen

Prof. Dr. Bangwei She (Capital Normal University, Beijijng, China)

Thesis: Numerical solution of some viscoelastic flows, (2015), Uni-Mainz

Project supported by the DFG Graduate School Mathematical Fluid Dynamics,  cooperation with TU Darmstadt

Dr.-Ing.  Michael Dudzinski   

Thesis: Well-Balanced Genuinely Multi-Dimensional Schemes for Nonconservative Hyperbolic Systems (2014), TU Hamburg-Harburg  

RNDr. Gabriela Rusnakova, PhD.

Thesis: Numerical Modelling of Fluid-Structure Interactions with Application in Hemodynamics (2012), Uni-Mainz
Supported by the EU within the Marie Curie Action (DEASE) , cooperation with University of P.J. Safarik, Kosice, Slovakia

Dr. Moriz Scharpenberg (Airbus, Germany)

Thesis: Uncertainity Quantification for Nonlinear Differential Equations with Application to Aircraft Mechanics (2012), TU Hamburg-Harburg

Stochastic Methods for Sensitivity Estimation in Flight Loads Analysis
(in cooperation with AIRBUS and DLR)

Dr. Florian Prill (Offenbach, German Weather Service)

Thesis: Diskontinuierliche Galerkin-Methode und schnelle iterative Löser zur Simulation kompressibler Strömungen, (2010) TU Hamburg-Harburg

Efficient Solution Strategies for a Flow Solver Based on Discontinuous Galerkin Methods
(in cooperation with DLR, Braunschweig)

Jitka Saiberova-Zatocilova, PhD.  (Technical University Brno, Czech Republic)
Thesis: Genuinely Multi-Dimensional Finite Volume Schemes for Systems of Conservations Laws (2003) TU - Brno, Czech Rep.
Dr. Yousef Zahaykah  (Al-Quds University, Jerusalem)
Thesis: Evolution Galerkin Schemes and Discrete Boundary Conditions for First Order Hyperbolic Systems (2002) University of Magdeburg, Co-advisor with G. Warnecke

Former Master/Bachelor Thesis (Diploma Thesis)

G. Arutnyunyan  Numerical modelling of complex flows, Masterarbeit (2022)

S. T. Nguyen Finite Volumen Approximation von hyperbolischen Erhaltungssätzen, Bachelorarbeit (2022)

Lukas-Malte Bammert

Numerische Simulation von Zelldynamik mittels stochastischen Differentialgleichungen, Bachelorarbeit (2019)

Uncertainty quantification of complex non-Newtonian fluids using machine learning techniques, Masterarbeit (2021)

Michelle Porth 

Stability analysis of a hybrid continuum-kinetic model of complex fluids, Masterarbeit (2021)

Hoimar Bauer  

Variationsrechnung, Bachelorarbeit (2021)

Simon Schneider

Konvergenzanalyse von Finiten Volumen Verfahren für Euler Gleichungen mitttels dissipativen maßwertigen Lösungen, Masterarbeit (2020)

Andreas Schömer

Konvergenzanalyse von Finiten Volumen-Finiten Elementen Verfahren für Navier-Stokes Gleichungen mitttels dissipativen maßwertigen Lösungen, Masterarbeit (2020)

Janina Bender

Dreidimensionale Simulation von viskoelastischen Fluiden mit Free FEM, Bachelorarbeit (2020)

Koras Osman

Numerische Untersuchung von Splitting-Verfahren in Molekulardynamik, Masterarbeit (2021)

Paul Klimek 

Spinodale Entmischungsprozesse in Mehrphasenströmung:  Dreidimensionale Simulationen, Masterarbeit (2020)

Kevin Richter

Numerische Simulation von Fluid-Struktur Wechselwirkung, Masterarbeit, Betreuung gemeinsam mit Frau Professor Hundertmark (2020)

Kamin Lars

IMEX Runge-Kutta Verfahren für steife Differentialgleichungen, Bachelorarbeit (2019)

Mara Czich

Numerische Simulation von Verkehrsflussprozessen, Masterarbeit (2019)

Julian Frech

Error analysis of the stochastic Galerkin method for incompressible Navier-Stokes equations, Masterarbeit (2019), Kompaktseminarvortrag (2018)

Hannah Vogel

Stochastische Galerkin-Methode bei Fluiddynamik Modellen, Masterarbeit (2018)

Andreas Andzejczak

Spektralverfahren für Cahn-Hilliard-Gleichung, Masterarbeit (2017)

Rebecca Theuerkauf

Hybrides mehrskaliges Verfahren für komplexe Fluide, Matserarbeit (2017)

Bettina Wiebe

Numerical Simulations of Multiscale Cancer Invasion Models, Masterarbeit (2016), see also:

N. Kolbe, M. Lukacova-Medvidova, N. Sfakianakis, B. Wiebe: Numerical simulation of a contractivity based multiscale cancer invasion model, accepted to Multiscale Models in Mechano and Tumor Biology: Modeling, Homogenization and Applications, A. Gerisch et al. (Eds), Lecture Notes in Comp. Science Eng., Springer (2016)

Sergej Schelle

Hybrid-Simulation der  Molekulardynamik und Computational Fluiddynamik, Masterarbeit (2016)

Christian Bock

Numerische Berechnung von Flachwassergleichungen, Masterarbeit (2016)

Simon Lemcke

Mathematische Modellierung von inkompressiblen Fluiden mit Hilfe von partiellen Differentialgleichungen, Bachelorarbeit (2016), JGU

Benjamin Kassel

Unterrichtsprojekt - Das Newton-Verfahren, Masterarbeit (2016), JGU; Betreuung gemeinsam mit Frau Professor Weiss

Peter Martens

Numerische Methoden in der Strömungslehre, Bachelorarbeit (2015), JGU

Daniel Schisch

Numerische Quadratur in der gymnasialen Oberstufe, Bachelorarbeit (2014), JGU

Stefanie Eschbach

Numerische Untersuchung von mehrdimensionalen kompressiblen Strömungen mit Finiten Volumen Verfahren, Bachelorarbeit (2014), JGU

Eva-Johanna Horchler

Numerische Untersuchung von "slope limiters" für hyperbolische Erhaltungsgleichungen, Bachelorrabeit (2014), JGU

Benjamin Georg

Numerische Untersuchung von „slope limiters“ für nicht-reguläre Gitter, Bachelorarbeit (2014), JGU

Alexander Bloch

Numerische Simulation von Musterbildung mit biologischen Anwendungen, Masterarbeit (2014), JGU

Alina Mentrop

Mathematische Modellierung und numerische Verfahren für die Navier-Stokes Gleichungen, Bachelorarbeit (2014), JGU

Jens Tobias Gaida

Mathematische Modellierung von nichtlineaeren Flachwasserwellen,  Bachelorarbeit (2013), JGU

Sarah-Monna Michalke

Bewegte Gitter für entropie-konservative Verfahren, Masterarbeit (2013), JGU

Rebeca Hammel

Numerische Verfahren für Differentialgleichungen mit steifen Termen, Masterarbeit (2013), JGU

Valon Korcaj

Numerische Simulation von Darwin'schen Evolutionsgleichungen, Masterarbeit (2013), JGU

Niklas Kolbe

Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Simulations of Cancer Invasion, Masterarbeit (2013), JGU

Paul Strasser

Stabilitätsanalyse von numerischen Verfahren für Fluid-Struktur-Wechselwirkung, Bachelorarbeit (2011), JGU

Numerische Simulation eines Systems zweier Fokker-Planck-Gleichungen aus der Ökonomie, Masterarbeit (2013), JGU

Andy Vogt

Numerische Simulation chemotaktischer Prozesse mit nichtkonstanten Koeffizienten, Masterarbeit (2013), JGU

Alexander Rückosker

Numerische Lösung von kompressibler Strömungen mit Diskontinuierlichen-Galerkin Verfahren, Bachelorarbeit (2012), JGU

Simon Kissel

Berechnung der mehrdimensionalen Wellenpropagation, Bachelorarbeit (2010), JGU

Andreas Hempel

On the Application of Gaussian Quadrature for the Finite Volume Evolution Galerkin Schemes, TUHH, (2009)

Moriz Scharpenberg

Numerical Simulation of 3D Gravitation Waves (in cooperation with K. Lamb, University of Waterloo), TUHH, (2006)

Katja Baumbach
  • Constrained Transport Method for the Finite Volume Evolution Galerkin Schemes with Application in Astrophysics (2005), TUHH
  • On the Comparison of the Finite Volume and Discontiunous Galerkin Methods (2006), TUHH

Jan Cerny

Mathematical Modelling of Some Non-Newtonian Fluids (2001) TU-Brno, Czech Rep.

Libor Grigerek

Numerical Simulation of Non-Newtonian Compressible Flow (2000) TU-Brno, Czech Rep.

Ales Gabriel

Numerical Modelling of Non-Newtonian Flow (1994) Charles University Prague, Czech Rep. (Co-advisor with J. Necas)